For this shoot, I wanted to use a hologram prism tool I had already. By using this, I was able to capture a different style of Artificial Light and expand my ideas further.
Research Artist
This shoot was heavily inspired by Ann Miss Feklista because she had done something practically identical to what I wanted to do but her main focus was the lego toys (by advertising them for people to buy) with the hologram being an additional element of interest, when for me, the hologram is the main aspect of my photos for this shoot.
Contact Sheet

Best Images
I like this photo because you can clearly see the man and woman dancing together and I was able to position the video where the couple was standing close together. This gives the photo a more romantic and heartwarming feel that helps draw the viewer in. Also, this photo can personally relate to most people because they will be able to think of their loved one or their dream partner.
I like this photo because this hologram came out a lot more clearer compared to other holograms I tried to take photos of. Additionally, this photo helps demonstrate how I have taken Artificial Light and produced something completely different to what I have done before. Therefore, I will be able to produce a portfolio that draws the viewer in due to the variety of photos of I have.
I like this photo because I was able to take a clear photo of the diamond hologram so you are able to see the texture and pattern. This adds an extra element of interest because it gives the viewer more details to look at which is emphasised through the diamonds tone, the highlights towards the top of the diamond helps draw more attention.
I like this photo because the image looks simple by being a hologram of the earth, however, this holds a deeper meaning to it. As the viewer is looking at the earth, they will start to consider events on our own earth, both good and bad, and the longer they look at this photo the broader their thinking will become as they will think about events occurring more globally.
I like this photo because I was able to capture the hologram of a bird as if it was in mid-flight. I like how the body of the bird is extremely still but the wings are blurred, this helps emphasise the affect of the bird travelling fast and in mid-flight. Also, this helps create a graceful affect because the bird is able to keep the majority of their body still, almost creating a peaceful atmosphere.
Worst Images
I don't like this photo because I set my aperture correctly, therefore causing my image to be overexposed. Therefore, making this photo unsuccessful because you are unable to see any details on the butterflies wings and make the photo seem less realistic.
I don't like this photo because I set my shutter speed too quickly so this didn't allow enough light to get into the lens to get the correct exposure. Therefore, making this photo unsuccessful because the viewer is unable to see any details of the butterfly due to the photo being underexposed.
I don't like this photo because it is completely black, which occurred because I was too busy changing my settings my phone (where I was getting the visual images to create the hologram) switched off and I didn't realise until after I took the photo.
AO1 - This shoot was heavily inspired by Ann Miss Feklista because I had seen her work and many other people do something very similar before and I wanted to create something like this as well because I thought that it will show I know how the take Artificial Lighting and take a variety of photos. For this shoot I wanted to step away from the fairy lights and other types of genre like this and produce something new to show how I am able to experiment with the idea of Artificial Light.
AO2 - For this shoot, I used my Canon 600D and set my ISO to 400 and for some images I had to set my camera to 200. I had my aperture set to f5.6 and my shutter speed set to 1/60 because I personally found this gave me the correct exposure to see the hologram clearly. Once again, I used a small studio set up with a dark backdrop so the light was able to stand out a lot more from the harsh contrast. I also used a tripod because I knew that my hands would not of been steady enough to take a clear picture, also, I needed my hands free to set up and position each hologram for the photo. To create the hologram, I used a plastic pyramid and my phone which I set up a hologram video. The video had four separate videos of the exact same object that would reflect into the pyramid and produce the hologram.
AO3 - My idea for recording Artificial Light was to use light and create a hologram in a plastic pyramid. I wanted to expand my thinking of Artificial Light and take a step further from what I have previously been doing by demonstrating that I know how to use Artificial Light in multiple ways to produce that best possible and interesting outcomes. In my opinion, I feel as if I was able to achieve this in the photo where the couple was dancing (Best Image 1) because I was able to completely produce a brand new idea by still keep the idea of dreams (from the two people being in love) and peacefulness. Additionally, I feel as if I was also being able to project an important message like I have done in previous shoots with the photo of the earth (Best Image 4) by allowing the viewer to think of important events in the world which are happening now and how they could possible help.
AO4 - I feel as if I have produced a strong series of images because I am able to present a completely different perspective to what I have done before of Artificial Light. By doing this shoot, I will be able to expand my portfolio further and show the viewer I know and understand how to produce multiple ideas that tie into Artificial Light. Additionally, through this images, I was able to capture images of holograms that look very realistic and make the viewer more pulled in to look at them in more detail.
Manipulating My Images

For this project, I didn't want to heavily edit my photos because I wanted the main focus to be on the artificial lighting. Therefore I used settings such as vibrance, curves, contrast and levels to help emphasise the lighting more to make them stand out further to the viewer and drawing them in more. Also, I used burn and dodging in some areas of the photos to exaggerate some highlighted and shadowed areas so it would create more of a contrast and an extra element of interest. For some of my images, I decided to crop the photo so the image was more focused on the hologram instead of the additional negative space.

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